A Quick Guide to Setting Up a Profitable Estate Sale

August 6, 2020

A Quick Guide to Setting Up a Profitable Estate Salea grey background with a white square and a black square
Quick Guide Moving Company Estate Sale

An estate sale can be a great way to get some cash out of items you no longer need. Whether you’re moving to a smaller home, or you’re simply changing your lifestyle so that you won’t require any of the items you want to sell anymore, an estate sale will help you get the cash you need at short notice.

Before setting up your estate sale, make sure you have a detailed list of all the items you want to sell. Consult with family members to make sure they don’t need any of the items and establish a price for each of them. If you’re not sure about the price, you can also consider an estate auction, which will allow your guests to bit on various items and end up determining the price for themselves. While an estate auction can be profitable, it also gives you less control over how much an item will sell for.

Another detail you have to consider is advertising and displaying the merchandise. It will make all the difference in the world if you can make sure that the right types of people will see the items and make an offer on them. Also, to encourage shoppers during an estate sale, make sure you are being polite and welcoming, and that you are able to give them all the most relevant information, especially when it comes to antiques, valuable items like jewelry, or rare memorabilia. It is recommended to use a professional moving company like American Moving & Storage to move your remaining valuables for safekeeping.

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