Bubble Wrap or Dish Pack?

January 21, 2020

Bubble Wrap or Dish Pack?a grey background with a white square and a black square

Bubble wraps and dish packs are two of the safest, most impact resistant packaging supplies – bubble wraps are a type of foil that has small, air-filled blisters that absorb any shock or blow sustained by your package, while dish packs are boxes made from special, reinforced, impact-resistant cardboard to protect even the most fragile items. Both solutions provide superior impact protection, but they are used for packing different types of items:

  • Uses of bubble wraps – irregularly shaped items, such as china figurines or statuettes, are best wrapped into bubble wrap first and placed into boxes only afterwards. The reason is simple: the irregular shape is usually associated with instability and small, protruding components that can break off easily, even without a huge blow. Bubble wraps are also great if you want to separate the items that you place into boxes, such as plates;
  • Uses of dish packs – as the name suggests, dish packs are designed to accommodate dishes. Dish packs come in various sizes, so you can find the ones that will accommodate your items safely, but the best way to use them for packing multiple fragile items is to separate the items inside the box with soft cloth, pieces of cushioning foam or bubble wrap. Be sure to check out the moving services American Moving & Storage offers to have them handle your packing and move professionally.
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