How to Properly Pack Your Pictures

August 2, 2021

How to Properly Pack Your Picturesa grey background with a white square and a black square

The pictures throughout your home are treasured memories of fun times, kids as they age, older family members who may be gone from this world, and your visual family history. For this reason, learning how to properly pack your pictures is essential so that they arrive in one piece at your new location. We have a few do’s and don'ts that can help with this process so that you are not losing any of these precious memories.

The Do’s and Don’ts to Properly Pack Your Pictures

If you have read our how to on packing artwork, you will find that there are a lot of similarities between artwork and pictures. After all, both types require a bit more than throwing it in a box and hoping for the best. Here are the things that you do NOT want to do:

  • Do not pack pictures to put these into storage units that are not climate controlled. You will find that heat can melt the pictures, make them stick to the glass, and ultimately ruin them.
  • Do not be stingy with the packing paper...use as much as needed to help pack this.

Here are some items that you want to do when packing pictures:

  • Make sure that you are using masking tape to make an X on the glass to add some protection to this frame while moving.
  • Add some extra reinforcement by placing a sheet of cardboard over the glass in this picture frame for moving.
  • Wrap the entire frame and picture in packing paper, then secure this around it.
  • Do consider using special picture boxes that are designed to cushion the frame and picture even more.

What if you are packing loose pictures that you have not gotten around to framing or putting into a photo book? Then it changes it up a bit. You will find that loose pictures can get a lot of damage to them during a move. What we would recommend is to:

  1. Take some time and place these loose pictures into a photo book. You will find that this is the safest method for moving these, as the pictures are secured in books designed to preserve these.
  2. Do not place loose pictures into Ziploc bags as these pictures can easily stick together and get ruined.
  3. Make sure that you have digital backups when are moving loose pictures, as accidents can happen to these delicate pieces of paper.

When you are ready to move, be sure that you have called American Moving for all your moving needs. We have professionals who can come in and pack your entire home/apartment/condo for you, and then handle the heavy lifting of moving. We are a full-service moving company meant to make your move ten times easier!

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