Checklist for Your Upcoming Business Move

November 11, 2019

Checklist for Your Upcoming Business Movea grey background with a white square and a black square

Moving your business, including your offices, archives, stocks and furnishing items is a complex task that is usually much more complicated than moving your home (which is no small task either). One of the most important things that you need to be able to complete the process successfully and to minimize the related stress is a thorough plan accompanied by a detailed checklist. Here are the most important things that your checklist should include:

  • The relocation of utilities and internet connectivity – there is no point in moving to a place that is not functional yet, so relocate the utilities first and schedule the actual moving process for when you have electricity, water, heating and internet at the new place;
  • Determining the order in which your items will be moved – the layout of your new location and the business processes that have priority will determine the order in which your assets will be moved. For example, if your core business is an activity carried out over the internet, you will want to relocate your most important offices first;
  • Assign tasks to your teams – talk to each of your teams and determine how they can contribute to the moving process. Include the tasks assigned to your teams in your checklist and agree with them on a timeframe for completing the tasks undertaken, then note the deadlines in your checklist as well.  Call professionals at American Moving & Storage for organized moving solutions.
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