Do You Really Need to Get Insurance When You’re Using a Storage Facility or Moving Company?

October 21, 2020

Do You Really Need to Get Insurance When You’re Using a Storage Facility or Moving Company?a grey background with a white square and a black square

If you hire a moving company or you rent a storage unit to house some or all of your belongings when you move to a new home, it can quite crucial to look for a reliable insurer. Although Denver professional movers and storage companies are typically insured, you can never really know much about their policies and how they might be able to help you. Most of them will tell you that their insurance is meant primarily to provide them with the right coverage, and might not help you too much, so it’s best not to rely on it.

Getting the right insurance when moving will, of course, not be an easy task. You have to consider what the right insurance policy is for you and you need to keep track of details such as whether you’re moving locally or out of state, since different insurance companies will have different coverage and policy options outside the state where they typically operate.

During the move, you might want to consider trip transit insurance to insure your belongings against theft, fire, or disappearance, and add coverage options such as special perils insurance coverage for fragile items and a floater to protect against the loss of expensive items such as jewelry. If you want to store your items temporarily in a storage unit, make sure you also get storage insurance to complement the security that your storage company provides and make sure you are completely covered.

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